Good afternoon, Indy fans!
I have some updates to my previous blog post. I have installed Roku sticks in 2 of the 3 rooms, which should fulfill all your television needs. :) I will be installing the Roku stick in the 3rd room shortly.
We will be closing from November 2 - 30, for a much needed break and some renovation work. You can still call or email with any questions!
I will be creating a new page here for guest photos and will be updating the Activities page with some great things to do within 1 hour of the Indy House.
Next year is the 30th Anniversary of Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade. Can you believe it? 😁 I am planning some exciting events to celebrate. If you have a connection to the Indy House, please reach out and tell me your story! Do you have photographs, articles, props, or artifacts you would like to donate? Please reach out! Crossover welcome, too!
I love this house so much. I want to keep it alive for all of future nerdom! 💖💖
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